
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Tired & Lazy

So instead of a real post, here are some pics.

My first ever target. Not too shabby!

I actually cooked a meal!

Beautiful dishes inherited from my Grandpa (about 8 years ago, but this is the first time I've really looked at them). Love!

I'll shoot for something less boring tomorrow. Promise.


Chris Gooch said...

Remind me not to mess with you!


Not too shabby indeed!

Stopping by to welcome you to the SITS community. :o)

jules said...

Stopping by from SITS. We all have those lazy days. At least you did a post, I usually don't even post on those days..

jmt said...

I'm hungry and that food looks GREAT. Nice work on cooking a meal...while in college. I'm not sure I actually ever did that.....Happy Thursday. I'm popping over from SITS roll call.

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Oh, I love those dishes! Beautiful. Over from SITS to welcome you aboard. Have a great day.

Steph said...

You have good aim!

...stopping by from SITS...

Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge

Meg said...

mysterg, Joy, Momma G.Love - I like to thank Link's Crossbow Training on the Wii for my aim...that's probalby pathetic.

Tooj - thanks! I figure if I'm getting married in a year I should be sure that I can cook a few things. Fiance cooks some, but he can't always do it.